Thursday, January 31, 2008

On Being Quarantined

The fruits of my doctor's visit produced positive results for the flu, as well as a doctor's note stating I must remain out of work until Tuesday.

I am to notify anyone with whom I've had contact.

Furthermore, I am to juggle and shift the goings-ons of an already planned out weekend that included both family visits as well as work-related activities.

Flexibility is key. This I understand. And this I have little problem with.

But four days?


That is a total of 96 hours; 5,760 minutes. Even with my dizziness, headache, and low grade fever the thought of laying in my bed for this length of time gives me a fever of a different kind.

That of the cabin.

Is there any antidote for THAT sickness?

So my movie shelf will be rummaged. My cable/internet will be well-used. And my house will most likely be cleaned from top to bottom in that span of time.

Tamiflu will become my best friend, and the possible side effect of hallucinations just might be a welcomed suprise.

Maybe I'll give crocheting another go 'round.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I hope that you feel better soon! Good luck beating the cabin fever!