Friday, July 4, 2014

And it's now 3:11 AM...

It's 2:34 AM on July 4... so technically this is day 5. 

If you're scratching your head wondering why the *&#% I'm awake at - now - 2:35 AM, know that you are not alone.  For I, also, remain perplexed.  So, let's do a quick recap.

Day 3 was difficult.  I was hungry a lot and incredibly lethargic.  It was as if someone started putting sand in my eyeballs and heavy weights on my brain by 11 AM.  The moment I walked into my home after seeing several clients, I could no longer stand upright.  I simply proceeded to... how do you say... PASS OUT?.. for several hours. 

So naturally this gave me some serious pause.  Am I doing the right thing?  Is this part of my body adjusting?  Is there something I need to do differently?

Later that day, the pharmacy called.  My thyroid medication was ready to be picked up.  Ding ding ding!  I finally realized that I hadn't taken any medication for my malfunctioning gland for several days.  It explained a lot. 

Thursday (day 4) was an entirely different experience.  I was back to my normal, high energy self.  I did not struggle with the lethargy or even the hunger throughout the day.  It pays to have the right amount of hormone.  Also, it pays to have the wherewithal to remember that you need it. 

And then THIS happens... this wide awake in the wee hours of the morning - it's now 2:46 AM.  The way I see it, it's the powers-that-be tapping the keg of my creative and reflective juices.

Good thing I forgot the "Jet Fuel" today... er yesterday.  ("Jet Fuel" is a term of endearment for 2 oz of fresh apple juice, 2 tb of apple cider vinegar, 1/8 tsp of cinnamon, and dash of cayenne pepper; drink as a quick shot).  That stuff is like drinking a quick punch in the throat followed by elation and perma-grins.  It assists with digestion, absorption of lactic acid (good for the sore muscles), and overall health of the body.  In addition, it will wake up the dead parts of your soul, and you may find that you accomplish more in the 8 hour work day than you thought possible because for some reason vinegar makes you invincible and enables the growth of extra arms.  It's THAT good.

Tomorrow's... TODAY's work out should be interesting.  Luckily, it's a holiday and our normal 6 AM work out shindig has been moved to 9 AM.  See, even the tree huggers like to sleep in every once in a while.  The eluding of sleep at - 3:02 AM - has nothing to do with it I'm sure. 

And where the hell is this hurricane Arthur anyway?  I took the dogs outside and felt a gentle breeze at best.  The trees looked glorious in their gentle sway up against the cloudy moonlit sky.  I did not encounter any gnashing of teeth from the ever so fluid Mother Nature.  She does what she wants.  I like her.

Provided the weather holds out, today's work out will be a mini-triathlon of sorts with swimming in the river, biking and running.  Unless it's monsoon-ing at 9 AM, that's the plan.  I can't think of a better way to start 'Merica's birthday... at 3:06 AM.  =)

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