Friday, June 6, 2008

I Got In A Fight

With a vacuum.

Now before you curl up your lip or immediately go into accusatory mode, you try vacuuming YOUR vehicle with a $1.25 vacuum that lasts 2 minutes. YOU try to fight with the blasted hose that wants so badly to be curled back up and returned to its post. YOU try to run to the other side of your car while throwing the hose across your seat as precious time is a-wastin'.

I threatened it, cursed it, and even tried to put it in a head lock. It wouldn't listen. But I got all the dirt sucked up.

So there. Nevermind the bruised shin from leaping across the back seat to get that one last bit of grass, or the twisted ankle I got from jumping the curb to get to the other side. It didn't do much to eleviate the anxiety of knowing the vacuum would cut off at ANY GIVEN SECOND.

I'm not so sure that $1.25 is worth the mental stress.

One Year Down

For those of you who wonder what I do.

See for yourself.