Sunday, June 1, 2014

Life Lessons of Nags Head, NC

1. Redefined Relaxation

It's simple really... the idea of just being and not feeling any external or internal pull of duty or responsibility.  To experience immunity from the "I should _______"  thought process is likened to experiencing peace.  But for this inwardly high strung individual, it's a concept I have grappled with since childhood.  And yet, for the entirety of this past week, I found myself sitting... a lot... with little motivation to do anything else.  I had no desire to exercise.  No desire to walk down to the beach

For those who feel led, you can build me one of these.
more than 3 times, and hardly any motivation to think for myself.  My butt was perpetually glued to a solid surface in the lounging position from which I would participate in conversation, eat, drink and breathe.  When I felt frisky I would walk down to the pool and commence to sitting.  There were moments of internal questioning: "What IS this?  Where is my drive? My ambition??"  But they were fleeting and promptly commenced to sitting.

2. Cornhole is Not for Sissies

It's important, when playing a glorified bean bag toss, to remember the score throughout the game.  Only, this requires physical movement to play as well as mental fortitude to remember the purpose of keeping score.  When playing pool-side especially, it's important to practice balance and aim, so as
not to almost fall in to the otherwise refreshing water.  Focus is equally important.  Don't let the music blaring in the background distract you with the need to express yourself through dance; Particularly when it's still your "go".  This proved to be frustrating to the more serious players, and entertaining to the less competitive.  It was a confusing experience.  I only played once. 

3. The Sun is Nondiscriminatory

I donned no bathing suit.  I stuck to the comfort of t-shirts and capris leggings.  Partially because I didn't really have a bathing suit and because I physically feel like a bowling ball with legs.  I kept it covered for my own sense of ease.  But the sun doesn't care about all of that.  Bare ankle?  Exposed
ear?  The sun will zap it, leaving you with unforeseen tan lines to make you feel more awkward than you already do. 
Dude. That sucks.

4. Vacation is Timeless

An entire week devoted to not giving a crap also means that time doesn't have to apply either.  I lost track of time a lot.  Perhaps it's the gentle lull of the tide or the hypnotic breeze with the music of the sea gulls... but time played tricks on me.  I have no watch.  And I would check my phone every once that.

Yep.  This is me.
in a while.  Generally speaking I had no idea.  And it felt lovely.  My work week is defined by time, schedules, appointments, meetings... time management is the back bone of working efficiently for me.  This week, I managed no time.  I worried about no appointments or meetings.  I only had to manage myself, and I hardly did

5. Vacation is Ageless

I forgot how old I was.  Literally.  Someone helped me do the math because I forgot my age.  I was shocked to remember that I am 35.  Stunned, I poured another drink.

Well played Nags Head.  Well played.

Until next time.