Ole' Granny, the usual hostess with the mostess... in finally starting to unravel. With all of her 75+ years' worth of belongings in a one bedroom apartment, the boxes slowly being unpacked seem to correllate with her brain and sensibilities.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not picking on my elder here. We openly discuss her apparent lunacy.
You see, in Granny's world, church directories from 1982 are still relevant. Stuffed animals and ceramic clowns are ideal decor for the kitchen cabinets. A full china cabinet, formal dining table and upright piano are necessary for a one bedroom apartment.
What? Torn up area rugs? Keep 'em! They are perfect scratching pads for the calico kitties.
And surely if it's made in 2009, the Honda Civic does not need to be cranked in order to drive it. Just put in gear and go... oh wait, it won't go into gear. Hmmm. Curious.
Lastly, it is not only wise but a matter of safety to use colored straws with your beverage of choice. And whatever the case may be, certainly do this with your water lest your troubled eyes misjudge it's placement and you find yourself kissing the air in hopes of wetting the parched lips. After all, a clear straw is "the same color as the water."