Duck Dynasty, as you may well know, is sort of like a video-blog of a lucky family who have made millions from sounding like ducks. Now, I'm all for the boot-strap theory. This is 'Merica!, the place where you can sound like a cat in heat and TLC will make a show out of it. Let freedom reign. The Duck Dynasty-ers have no doubt worked hard for this money by their own genius and capacity for wild life imitation.
Before I go any further, I must share that not only have I watched some episodes and laughed in spite of myself, I've even taken a gander at reading a little from one of their books that was conveniently placed by the toilet for my morning quiet time. An interesting read indeed.
It's equally wonderful to see a family, a motley crew of personality and down-home humor, who gathers around the table at the end of the day to give thanks to the Almighty for the bounty. It's like a revised Norman Rockwell painting, capturing the ideal of "family" while also allowing room for off-color humility (i.e. "I have a long beard and play in the woods").
Duck Dynasty, aptly put, is a show and a family that brings not only entertainment to many across the board, they also provide, for many, a sense of "Huh, that's kind of like me!"-ness to viewers everywhere.
Perhaps it's just me or my surfacing cynicism, but methinks the French wouldn't get it.
That's besides the point.
So the one guys who always says "Hey!"... I can't remember his name. I can only remember that he says "Hey!"... was in a picture posted all over my facebook news feed. He was holding a picture that read "Keep Christ in Christmas".
Sigh. This is one the most misunderstood and misguided complaints about the holidays. And when I saw that the famous bearded man was holding this sign, I felt compelled to speak to that. Once and for all.
I have an announcement: X = CHI = CHRIST = CHRISTMAS.
"X" is the Greek letter CHI. In the early days of the church, Greek was the main unifying language before Latin. And I know there are many who will feel uncomfortable with this BUT like it or not, the church that you are a part of (Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Unlimited Holy Water of God, etc) originated from the Catholic Church. Did your hair spike up a little? It's okay. Did that to me at first too.
See, the book that you and I have that's called The Bible wasn't always in existence. It's a collection of writings that were gathered by a group of men who decided what should be "kept" and what doesn't fit what they considered "orthodox teaching". I.E. - The Bible did not just fall out of the sky... it was created by people just like you and me.
At any rate, when the Catholic church people come together it's called "mass". And the one that they celebrate the birth of Jesus is called "Christ Mass". Ah but because they were Greek-speaking with a modge podge of other languages, to make it make sense to all who attended the letter "X" was used.
Let me repeat: X = CHI = CHRIST = CHRISTMAS.
The only person who is taking "CHRIST" out of anything is, perhaps, you.
So, the "Hey!" guy is continuing this trend of misinformation. And he's part of a very charming family and makes you laugh and stuff. But I gotta tell you, the "Hey!" guy along with many many many others have got it wrong.
Wrong not in the judgey sense of the word, wrong in the sense that... well... it's just not true. And it makes me sad.
Don't be a sheep. Be a shepherd. Study. Read. Find out for yourself. And maybe you'll see, the "X" might have actually come first.
Merry Xmas indeed.