Damn is that flea bite on my ankle?
Breathing and letting all the stress and anxiety go. Ahhh yes. Being one with the univer-
Oh that itches so bad.

(sounds of dog scratching)
Yes my sweet Lilly pup brings me feelings of joy and happiness. Oh I should see if she has water. I will as soon as I'm done because this is important. Breathe. Breathe. Breeeeaaaatttthe.
The fire sure sounds nice. My shin feels a little warm. I should scoot back from the fire place a little bit. I'll keep my eyes closed though so it's not a real distraction. Breathe.
Did I bring my chap stick out here?
Breathe. Gently seeking that still point... that place of perfect calm.
Oh that's gotta be a flea bite (quick scratch). Those bastards have mutated into some stubborn brand of flea that laughs at Frontline. I should probably wash the dogs today with that vinegar stuff.
Do I have vinegar? I need to do laundry. Where's my chap stick?
Oh Rachel... shhhh. Okay universe, I'm ready. Breathe. Quiet. Calm. Breathe.
Did I close the vent on the wood stove? My foot's falling asleep. Ugh, Kirby your breath stinks dude.
You are huffing in my face... why do you always huff in my face? I feel sleepy. I will meditate with my eyes open. That IS a flea bite! Ugh! That's it, both dogs are getting baths. I should probably vacuum. There are crumbs ground into this rug from last week. I live in filth. It takes 5 seconds to vacuum but why does it FEEL like such a chore.

(Walking back to bedroom)
THERE'S my chap stick! Oh the covers feel so good. Yes, let's close the eyeballs... breathe... breathe...
I should probably get up and do something productive. Falling into heavy sedation seems like a productive venue of meditation... breathing is already more relaxed.
Breathe... breathe...
Have I checked facebook yet? I wonder what everyone is doing today? I should see if anyone wants to walk dogs together?! Hmmm, I wonder if I should wash them before or after... Did I bring more firewood in? I need to work out and get on track before this weight gets out of hand. I used to be so fit. My arms are HUGE. I bet if I meditated and really let go I would find it easier to get on track. Or maybe it's about meeting me and loving me right where I am.... I don't know... I feel so lazy right now. And this meditation is about not feeling guilty for it.

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